Friday, September 27, 2013


Mommy.  That one little word has so much emotion attached to it.  It meant the world to me when that dollar store pregnancy test read positive.   It made me cry when I first heard Zoe cry. Mommy is the way I refer to myself a hundred times a day while I interact with my daughter. I am passionate about being a mom and being the best mom I can be for my Zoe bug.

In the last few days Zoe has switched from calling me "Mama" to calling me "Mommy."  It is a small change I know but it is just one more example of how fast our kids grow up.  I have often been asked if I feel like the time is going too fast.  And each time I give my answer I get different responses.  Well, that's fine.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  But I will share my answer to that question with you this evening.

Do I feel like the time is going too fast? No. No, I don't.  I know, I know I just commented about how Zoe changing from calling me mama to mommy is yet another sign of how fast time goes by.  Well, that's just it.  The time does go by fast.  That is why I have chosen to be present in her life.  That is why I read to her everyday.  That is why I play tea party and build towers with her, I tell her stories I make up as they go along, and I talk with her while we wander the isles in the grocery store. That is why we sing songs in the car and we do the hand motions for every nursery rhyme I know.  That is why I push her on the swings, I climb up the slide at the playground with her, and I play hide-n-go seek all over the house.  I know the time is going fast and I want to make the most of all the time I have.  I don't want to look back in six months or six years and ask myself where I was while Zoe was growing up.  I want to look back and see that I was right there with her. 

I don't feel like the time is going too fast because I am living out each day with my daughter.  Not all days are fun and games.  We still have sick days and bad weather days and stay in our pj's days and don't leave the house days but those days are important too because they are a part of who we are. 

We all have the same amount of time each day and each of our days go just as fast so please chose to be present in your children's lives.  When our little ones are grown we won't remember what happened in which season of our favorite TV show, how many text messages we got covering the latest neighborhood gossip, what the latest buzz was blowing up facebook, or which DIY craft project was all over pinterest.  We will remember the time we spend with our children.

Zoe is worth my time.  I am blessed to be her Mommy.

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