Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Whole New Year's Resolution Thing

Now that Christmas has come and gone we have just a few days until New Year's.  With that many people have begun to think about New Year's resolutions and whether or not they are going to make one.  I will admit that I typically enjoy making one.  There have been years that the resolution I made was about things I wanted to improve and there have been years that my resolution has been more about new experiences and enjoying new things.

One of my favorite resolutions that I ever made was also one of the hardest ones for me to keep. I want to share a little of that story with you in a hope that as you think about your resolution this year you won't shy away from picking something that you don't necessarily want to do but that in the end will have great rewards.

This was a few years ago, I was at a point where I didn't have much of a relationship at all with my parents.  In the years prior there had been many hurtful things said on both sides and I simply chose not to include them in my day to day life anymore.  In the previous year I had probably only talked to my parents 2 maybe 3 times. They were living in Michigan while I enjoyed sunny Florida.  This was also before my parents discovered the wonderful world of facebook so they really had no idea what was going on in my life nor did I with them. 

So, New Year's rolls around and I know it's time for a change.  My older brother played a big part in encouraging me to step up and do something to reach out to my parents.  My resolution was this.  I would have contact with my parents twice a month.  You may be thinking in your head that's no big deal but for me it was huge.  Looking back I can say with certainty it was the pivotal moment in my relationship with them.

The first month I called them within the first week.  It was stressed and awkward and neither of us had much to say.  I was dreading calling again so I kept putting it off.  The next time I called when I knew they would be gone to church and I would get the answering machine.  I survived January. February was next and with that was my Mom's birthday.  I sent her a card in the mail and made a phone call a couple weeks later.  Awkward again.  Two months down ten to go. 

The spring months I don't remember specifically but I know I sent a Mother's Day card, a birthday card to my Dad, an email here and there, and I made a few phone calls.  I remember every month putting the phone calls off until the end of the month and then being relieved when they were over. 

Along came summer though and something began to change.  At this point I have had more contact with them in 5 months than in the previous 3 years combined and I began to find that I had things that we could talk about.  I didn't dread each phone call quite so much and I didn't cringe every time they would answer the phone instead of the machine. 

Summer turned into fall and leaves began to change.  There were times I would get frustrated with my parents and their way of thinking just as I'm sure they got frustrated with me.  But we had reached a new point in our relationship.  I didn't have to pretend that the past didn't exist and I was strong enough to disagree with them without arguing with them. 

I continued my twice a month contact right up through the end of the year.  At the time I remember being greatly relieved when December was over and I knew I didn't have to call them the next month.  But as many of you have probably guessed I called anyway.  The hard part was done and now I could call just to say hi.  In the years that have passed between then and now I have continued to build a relationship with my parents.  I value them and the relationship we have now and chances are my mom is even getting a little teary as she reads this because I know that she values what we have just as much. 

So, this year I'm not sure yet what my resolution will be but I know that I don't have to be afraid of doing something difficult because the reward at the end is worth all of the work that goes into it.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


I love Christmas time. This year as Christmas is fast approaching I have had a blast preparing for it.  My house is decked out with lights both inside and out, I have baked more Christmas goodies than ever before, I have been out shopping with Zoe, I have spent time with my family and am looking forward to spending time with Jake's family. 

For me one of my favorite parts about Christmas this year is seeing it through my daughters eyes.  Everything is so simple and pure for her.  Take a look with me as I look at Christmas through Zoe's eyes.

The Decorations~A pretty tree has appeared in my living room and it has little bells on the bottom just for me to ring.  I even have a special pink tree with lights in my bedroom I can plug in all by myself.  Every evening when we walk down to the mailbox I get to look at all the other pretty twinkle lights on our street.  My favorite part is the giant snowman at our neighbor's house.  I love to look at it and tell Mom and Dad all about it.  I also like to point out all the big bows and pretty stars that are hanging up all over town.  There are so many shiny things that sparkle and catch my eye.

The Food~My mom always bakes cookies with me but we have been making lots of new yummy stuff.  My favorite part is after I help Mom stir when she lets me lick the spoon.  I really like the chocolate stuff.  Sometimes my hands get messy but I just lick them clean too.  I don't like the way Mommy made the crackers taste funny though so she gives me the plain yellow crackers I like instead.

The Shopping~Mommy and I have been to lots of stores lately.  I like it when I can walk and don't have to sit in the shopping cart.  Mommy and I have a deal that I can walk as long as I don't touch things and I have to hold her hand when she says to. (Like if there are a lot of people or if we are in the parking lots where the cars are driving.) I got to help Mommy pick out presents for Daddy and me.  One time Daddy even came shopping with us and I got to run around the store hiding from him while Mommy shopped.  That was really fun and he even bought me a bouncy ball.  Most of all I like the red cans and the ringing bell outside the store especially when I drop money in the can and the man with the bell lets me ring it too.

The Family~Nana and Papa flew on an airplane to come see me and we had so much fun.  I really liked it when Papa played with me.  We played with my music toys, and with my kitchen toys, but my favorite is playing with my new Kitty that Papa gave me.  I liked it when Papa and Daddy hold my hands to walk so I can swing between them.  I also liked Nana because she sat next to me in the car and played with me.  Nana is really good at talking to me and reading me stories.  Pretty soon Granny and Poppy are going to come to our house too.  It is so fun to have Nana and Papa and Granny and Poppy to play with.

For Zoe Christmas is a magical time.  She doesn't care if Christmas has been commercialized or if Santa is coming to her house.  She doesn't care if the traffic is bad and stores are busy or if someone says Happy Holiday instead of Merry Christmas. I am so blessed to be able to spend this Christmas looking through the eyes of my daughter and to see what a magical time it is.   My heart is full and Christmas day isn't even here yet.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Does God Heal?

Does God Heal?


 Today it is easy for me to say this because of recent events in the life of my 2yr old. I have to ask myself if I would be just as confident had things not turned out the way they did.  It is hard to believe when you are not seeing evidence so I want to share our story to encourage someone else that is having a difficult time believing today.

About a month ago at Zoe's 2 yr well baby check her pediatrician found a heart murmur.  Zoe has been an active normal child so I had no warning or time to prepare myself for this news.  Zoe's pediatrician did a great job of taking time to examine Zoe and also talking to me about what she was hearing.  Zoe's heart murmur was not the kind that is the most common in children.  It had more to do with the way in which the blood was leaving the heart than just the innocent murmurs that are the norm.  She referred us to a pediatric cardiologist.

After coming home from Zoe's appointment I was shook up.  I don't like hearing that there is anything wrong with my child and especially not something I couldn't prevent or control.  I began to pray.  Jake and I shared our concerns about Zoe's heart with some friends and they began to pray.  I have heard first hand stories from others how God had healed before and I wanted this for my daughter. So I asked for it.  I asked God to heal Zoe's heart. 

After an EKG and a round of x-rays Zoe's cardiologist gave us great news today.  Zoe's heart is healthy and strong.  There is still a very slight murmur but it does not pose any future risk for her. The cardiologist is confident Zoe will outgrow the murmur altogether. 

God has healed my baby girl's heart. She is a special gift to us and I know God has big plans for her life.  I look forward to when she's older and I can share this story with her.  I hope it will encourage her and help her to always have faith that God can and will heal and answer prayers.