Friday, December 6, 2013

Does God Heal?

Does God Heal?


 Today it is easy for me to say this because of recent events in the life of my 2yr old. I have to ask myself if I would be just as confident had things not turned out the way they did.  It is hard to believe when you are not seeing evidence so I want to share our story to encourage someone else that is having a difficult time believing today.

About a month ago at Zoe's 2 yr well baby check her pediatrician found a heart murmur.  Zoe has been an active normal child so I had no warning or time to prepare myself for this news.  Zoe's pediatrician did a great job of taking time to examine Zoe and also talking to me about what she was hearing.  Zoe's heart murmur was not the kind that is the most common in children.  It had more to do with the way in which the blood was leaving the heart than just the innocent murmurs that are the norm.  She referred us to a pediatric cardiologist.

After coming home from Zoe's appointment I was shook up.  I don't like hearing that there is anything wrong with my child and especially not something I couldn't prevent or control.  I began to pray.  Jake and I shared our concerns about Zoe's heart with some friends and they began to pray.  I have heard first hand stories from others how God had healed before and I wanted this for my daughter. So I asked for it.  I asked God to heal Zoe's heart. 

After an EKG and a round of x-rays Zoe's cardiologist gave us great news today.  Zoe's heart is healthy and strong.  There is still a very slight murmur but it does not pose any future risk for her. The cardiologist is confident Zoe will outgrow the murmur altogether. 

God has healed my baby girl's heart. She is a special gift to us and I know God has big plans for her life.  I look forward to when she's older and I can share this story with her.  I hope it will encourage her and help her to always have faith that God can and will heal and answer prayers.

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