Sunday, May 18, 2014

Military Life

We woke too early, the sun had not yet risen.
The alarm told us harshly what we already knew.
It was time to go.
It was time to say Good-bye.

I hug my Marine tightly.
He hugs our little girl just one more time. 
She says, "Daddy go trip."
Then asks, "Daddy be home soon?"

We survive the first day but already miss his presence.
As soon as Daddy leaves something has to break.
The garage door quits working and the weed eater quickly follows suit.
The jogging stroller tire goes flat and garbage disposal is making a funny sound.

A few more days pass and we settle into a routine.
My Zoe girl is back to singing.
Her nonstop chatter is my favorite sound.
We play patty cake, and color in books. We smile and eat ice cream.

The routine grows normal but the house is empty.
Zoe says she misses Daddy and hugs her teddy tight.
She crawls into my lap to snuggle.
I wrap her in my arms and kiss her little head.

We venture out on each new day, we have to live our life.
Zoe sees another Marine and looks at me with great big eyes.
Hang in there little one, he's not your Daddy.
The Marine smiles and gives her high five.

We make a calender and cross off days.
Zoe counts them as they pass.
She gets her phone and plays pretend.
She tells Daddy everything he is missing.

I miss him too my Zoe Bug.
I wish he were home safe each night.
Daddy misses us just as much.
He wants to see you grow.

Others will see us and ask how we're doing.
The answer is always, "We're fine."
Military families are built from the heart.
Ours is no exception.

Some days I'm stronger than others.
There are lots of days we play and we laugh.
There are some days it hurts so much I cry.
I know it's alright.

For many, military is just a word.
For me it is my life.
I am proud of my Marine, he choose to serve our country.
Our path may not be easy but it is what we know.

The day will come when he comes home.
My arms will fly wide open.
He'll pick up our little girl and spin her around.
Tears will slip down my cheek.

Until that day comes, my prayer is simply this.
Protect us Lord, as we're apart. Be our strength and our shield.
Teach us to grow as we press on. 
Strengthen our love, increase our heart.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, every time I read this, my heart catches in my throat. It is so beautiful. Not only is it beautifully written, but it describes a very beautiful heart living courageously. I am so grateful for the commitments that you and my brother have made to each other and to our country. It isn't easy, but it means a whole lot, and I am convinced that good things will come out of your sacrifice. Keep sharing your heart, Sis.
