Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Fun with a Toddler

Life with a toddler is just too fun to not make the most of a holiday.  St. Patrick's Day is no exception.  I started out the month looking for ideas off Pinterest or wherever else I could find them.  Of course, I added my own twist because very few things work as well in real life as they do on Pinterest so here are a few of my favorites.

1. Follow the rainbow to find the pot of gold- This has been an on going thing each day.  I got a couple spools of rainbow ribbon and started it in Zoe's room then trailed it throughout the house for Z to find when she wakes up.  Her "pot of gold" was just some black foam we cut out and glued plastic gold coins to until this morning when I switched it out for a little pot of chocolate coins.

Zoe and Levi following
the rainbow
Pot of gold safely hidden
Z climbing a chair to get the gold
Rainbow trail over the basket of balls
The chocolate gold!
2. Shamrock painting-I convinced a friend to do this one with me because it's always more fun to make a mess at someone else's house. Hehehe. My friend supplied the washable paint and I brought some green peppers and it was game on.  We cut the peppers in half and then let the kids dip them in paint and onto some paper.  We ended up with a lovely shamrock sidewalk and four painted kiddos but they had a blast.
Z painting her leg 'cause
that's what kids do.

The boys

Painting fun

The sidewalk after we were done
 3. Shamrock garland-This was almost too easy but I like that it lets Zoe work on so many skills in one project. All it took was a pack of shamrock shapes I picked up at the dollar store and some ribbon.  We used a heart shaped hole punch because it was the easiest to find in my way overstuffed craft cupboards and then Z got to thread the ribbon through and tie the knots.
Our finished product

Zoe and Mommy

4. Shamrock sun catchers-I did this first for a Valentine's Day craft at a play date but loved it so much we did it again.  First we cut out a large shamrock outline, then we press it into some clear contact paper, lastly we stick lots of little tissue paper squares to it.  So fun!

 5. Handprint shamrock-I enjoy doing handprint crafts because it's fun to watch and see how much they grow.  This one was really easy. I painted Z's hand green then we pressed it onto some white paper.  Convincing her to let me paint her hand did take a little doing but I like how the finished project turned out.
6. Green cookies-No St. Patrick's Day would be complete without green food of some kind so at our house it's cookies.  We took a basic sugar cookie and simply added green food coloring.  Zoe might have eaten more cookie dough than dinner today but oh well.  We had a great time working together in the kitchen and that was what was important today.
Helping Mommy stir

Taste testing :)

It's days like today when I can sit and look at how much fun it is to be a mom and I know without a doubt that I have the greatest job in the world.  It has been a busy month but spending time with my daughter is priceless.

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