If you want more than you've had before, you have to do more than you've done before.
This is an old saying I've heard many times. Jake brought it up this evening while we were spending some time together and it got me to thinking. I like this saying for many reasons. It encourages me to push beyond myself, to set higher goals, to identify areas where I want to improve, and to change behaviors that have become routine.
I hope my thoughts will encourage you.
If you want more from your marriage~ As a young couple Jake and I acknowledge that having an awesome marriage takes hard work. Often times husbands and wives slip into a routine with each other and let the little things they used to do for one another fall away. This doesn't work. Marriage isn't about you and what you can get out of it. It's about the other person and putting them first. You can't keep on doing what you've been doing and expect better results. It's time to up your game.
If you want more from your job~ A big part of this one may be the attitude with which you're doing it. If you go to work with the attitude that it's what's required of you then don't be surprised when you get the same results day after day. Your job is the opportunity you have every day to provide for yourself and your family. Acknowledge that is it an opportunity and opportunities can be lost just as easily as they're gained. You can't do the same thing again and again and expect different results. Something has to change.
If you want more from your friendships~ Maintaining friendships is not always easy. People have emotions and with that they have needs. If you are finding that you're wanting more out of the friendships in your life, try putting more into them. People want to feel needed and appreciated. If you spend more time valuing your friends and letting them know the ways they enrich your life they will in turn grow to share a deeper more meaningful friendship with you.
If you want more from your parenting~ This is an obvious one but also a tough one. The parent that has to tell their child 8 times to do something before it gets done is probably ready to admit they want more from their efforts at parenting. The problem is the parent has not consistently followed through so the child knows that they don't have to obey what the parent is saying right away because their parent is going to tell them several more times before any consequence comes. If you want to be a more effective parent take time learning from other parents how they do it. Read up on techniques that you want to use with your children and ask questions when you are not seeing the results you desire. Put more effort into your kids and you will be rewarded greatly with the love that they show you in return.
If you want more from your relationship with God~ My thoughts are far and wide on this one but my passion for it is true. If you want more than you've had before, you have to do more than you've done before. If you can think of a time that you were in a more personal, closer, stronger place with God than you are right now it's time to step up. You cannot continue on where you are even if it's a good place, and expect greater rewards. I can not say it enough, if you want more than you've had before you must do more than you've done before. I know God has a bigger plan for my life than I have for myself. I desire all that God has for me so each day I need to find ways to do more than I have done the day before.
As we approach this holiday season let me challenge you. If you want this Thanksgiving and Christmas to be special and more meaningful than any you have had before, now is the time to push beyond yourself, set higher goals, identify areas where you want to improve, and change behaviors that have become routine. If you want more than you have had before, you must do more than you have done before!
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