Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day #1 of Big Girl Panties

The time has come.  I have decided to give this whole potty training thing a shot.  We have bought the cute little 2T undies, the potty seat, and the flushable wipes.  The bathroom is stocked with M&M's and stickers along with hand sanitizer, paper towel, and Clorox wipes. 

Zoe has been telling me for months now when she has to poo poo and for the most part when we are at home she does a great job of using the big girl potty for this.  Pee pee on the other hand, well here's how our day went.

Woke up this morning and got the princess out of her crib.  Talked to her about how proud I am of her and what a big girl she is becoming.  Took off her diaper and let her pee pee on the potty.  So far so good.  Put on pair #1 of big girl panties.  Life doesn't stop for a week as I would like it to while we are getting started on this new adventure so a trip to the grocery store was in order.  Not feeling brave enough to leave the house without a diaper on Little Miss we took panties back off and put a diaper on.  I did let her sit on the potty again before doing so. 

Off to the commissary.  About 20 minutes in Zoe tells me she pee peed.  Good job Princess.  Except she wants candy for pee peeing so now in the middle of the commissary I get to explain to her she only gets an M&M when she pee pees in the big girl potty not her diaper.  She wants to use the big girl potty in the commissary.  I wasn't prepared for this (she is wearing a diaper after all) so I tell her not today.  Crisis averted.

Arrive back home.  Off comes the diaper and naked baby streaks around the kitchen while I put groceries away.  We head upstairs she sits on the potty and I tickle her.  Yeah for pee pee. She gets candy and I'm thinking this isn't so bad.  We eat lunch and she gets a fresh diaper to go down for her nap. 

Zoe wakes up from her nap after only 50 minutes (normally she naps for 2 hours).  She is upset that she pee peed in her diaper.  Panty #2 goes on.  We play for a little while only for me to look up and see her sitting in a puddle.  She looks at me and asks "pee pee?"  We clean up and are on panty #3.  We head downstairs to play for a while.  I attempt to get pictures of my girl and her fist day of big girl panties but am interrupted by Zoe pointing to her panties and saying pee pee.  We make it to the potty to finish but not before a small puddle has formed under her feet.  Zoe went through panty #4 and #5 in much the same fashion.  She is great at announcing she has to pee right after starting to go but saving just enough to make it to the potty and earn the much sought after M&M. 

Panty #6 I do believe is my favorite of the day.  Daddy arrived home from work and is cuddling on the couch with the Princess.  I warn him she hasn't been saying pee pee until she has started to go so they have a blanket folded underneath of where Zoe is perched.  Less than a minute later Jake asks "Why is my side all warm and wet?"  Yes, I'm laughing out loud at this.  Jake takes Zoe to the potty and she gets one last pee pee in before it's into the tub and off to bed for the night. 

So yes, we had a great time hanging out together today.  Zoe got a half dozen M&M's and I mopped the floor more than once.  Did I know this morning Zoe would go through 6 pairs of panties?  No. Do I think Zoe is any closer to being potty trained?  Not exactly. Is Z going to wear big girl panties again tomorrow? You bet!

1 comment:

  1. Just a note. The next day Zoe only had one accident and she has been in big girl panties ever since. The M&M's and stickers lasted about a week but when they ran out she didn't mind a bit. For her, wearing big girl panties is reward enough. Yeah for no more diapers!
