Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sleepy Time

Today Zoe is 22 months old.  Tonight I rocked her to sleep.  Why? You ask.  It isn't because she can't fall asleep on her own.  She can and she does most of the time.  It wasn't because she asked me to, although I know she enjoys it.  She hadn't had a rough day, and she was sleepy and ready for bed. So the question remains, why did I rock Zoe to sleep?  It wasn't so I could put off the dinner dishes for just a little longer, or the living room that needs to be put to right.  Both of which I still must accomplish before turning in for the night.
It was simply this.  Tonight I chose her.  After placing Zoe in her crib each evening it is easy for me to walk back downstairs and get swallowed up in my own interest.  However, Zoe is worth far more than whatever book I am reading or the latest thing on Pinterest.  She is more important than strictly following a routine, and the 30 extra minutes of holding her are a memory I will treasure.  God blessed me greatly when He entrusted her to my care. So for me, this evening was the highlight of my day.  As I softly sang and prayed for my baby girl as she drifted off to sleep I know I made the right choice. Life will always be going on around us but it is knowing when to stop and cherish the moment that really makes a difference.

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